Wednesday, December 5, 2007

US Bishops asked to Fire Chief Film Critic over Glowing Reviews for "Brokeback" and "Compass"

WASHINGTON, DC, December 3, 2007 ( - The Bishops of the United States are being asked to fire the chief movie reviewer for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Harry Forbes, the Director of the USCCB Office for Film and Broadcasting, has reignited scandal by praising the film "The Golden Compass" which is based on an anti-Catholic novel.

Forbes caused similar controversy two years ago when he issued a glowing review in the name of the USCCB for the homosexual propaganda film "Brokeback Mountain".

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US Bishop Instructs Priests to Warn Faithful against "The Golden Compass"

See the Bishop's letter to his priests:

See the full Q&A handout on the film here:

The Diocese has also released an interview on the book with Pete Vere and Sandra Miesel authors of the newly released booklet called on Pullman called "Pied Piper of Atheism" see it here:

View Story on

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Catholic Encyclopedia entry on St. Thomas More

To read about St. Thomas More's life and writings.

St. Thomas More Lawyers Society of Wisconsin

Please visit the WI Lawyers Chapter blog.

St. Thomas More Studies

Please visit the Sir Thomas More educational material resource center, which has information, images, and lesson plans relating to the life of Thomas More, author of Utopia.

Founded/Directed by Dr. Gerard Wegemer, professor of literature at the University of Dallas, who taught MULS student Peter Heyne in a graduate seminar on the English Renaissance.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Welcome to the blog for the Saint Thomas More Society at Marquette University Law School.
This blog is the more public cousin to the STMS Facebook page, which is only available to MULS students.